Photography is Art

In the past...My understanding of photography is "what you see is what you get!". I take a great picture to demonstrate my skills as well as to allow others to see what I see. I found it distasteful, having to edit my photographs but little did I know that my way of thinking is called Photojournalism. Frankly, I was kind of dumbed not to realize the differences between a photographer and a photojournalist. A photographer takes anything under and including the sky. Whereas, a photojournalist's images tell stories: they evoke emotions, they sway opinions and most importantly, they depict the truth in its entirety. That's Photojournalism!
Now that I have learned the differences...I believe photography is art. That makes me a photographer!


Saturday, September 15, 2012

DSLR - Digital Basic Photography Course

Finally, I have made up my mind to take up a basic photography course to learn some photography jargon, how to set the camera settings, and also things like Design Elements which make a picture WOW! The course is commercing on Sept 26th. I am looking forward to learn some skills other than knowing "point-and-shoot" photography.